"It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory." Bill Nicholson. SPURS


Monday, June 15, 2009

New GK Kit

And you thought the outfield kit was bad....

From Glory Glory and FTL.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually prefer this to the outfit kit...particularly the away GK kit.

11:10 PM, June 15, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

who gives a rats ass what they wear as long as they pull it together and start winning!!

2:07 AM, June 16, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with 2nd comment, as long as our boys come out and start the season well this year, who gives a monkeys what they were. As long as it isn't red of course. :) coys

6:16 AM, June 16, 2009

Blogger Jamie Bell (BlueHawk) said...

This looks ok, reminds me of the days of Big Erik, with the patterned front on his jersey!

7:04 AM, June 16, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the out field kits aint even that bad, dunno what all the fuss is about, too many spurs fans wanna moan about to many things

7:40 AM, June 16, 2009

Anonymous thebeardofarchibald said...

I'm sick of reading words to the effect of "I couldn't care less what they wear as long as we win something" etc etc

The very essence of Spurs is that it's not all about winning, it's about doing things with class.

Our kit matters because our colours are part of our identity and our history. Liberally smearing another colour on there, even if it is a 'club colour' in the wider sense, dilutes our identity at best, and at worst makes us drift into other peoples identity - and that's the problem with the 09/10 home kit - we look like Leeds. It's not on.

10:42 AM, June 16, 2009


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